LEED Certified Home - Update

Please see the below update from our clients building the LEED certified home.
When I first showed my family the barn and told them that it was going to be my new home, they thought I was crazy. But then, they had thought that for a long time before they saw the barn.   The first time my fiancé, (and now husband) Ed, saw the barn, he embraced the vision. That was in 2001. The barn was dismantled, moved, stored, reassembled, disassembled, trucked to Tennessee, reassembled by experts, trimmed and returned to the site 1/4 mile from where a family from the  1800s had built the v-notched structure to house their livestock.   Today, the silver patina of aged oak, tulip poplars and other indigenous trees shaped by strong arms and adzes into long-lasting logs are the focal point of our home. The strength that the logs give our home helps create the sense of peace and security that Ed and I seek.
So how hard could it be to find a good home site on 100 acres?   Ed and I spent more time choosing the site than on any other one element of our home.  The site was a key element in the design. Major considerations were the view and the solar orientation.  After days (and nights to find the least ambient light) we settled on the hillock overlooking a 30 acre grass pasture.   With a wonderful Garrell design in hand and financing arranged, we had only one thing left to do - break ground.  For that occasion, Ed surprised me with the golden shovel!
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