Outdoor kitchens have become quite popular with todays homebulders and house plan designers. All of the conveniences of your indoor kitchen are now available outside, the only exception is the waterproofing of fixtures and power sources. The single most important item is the grill followed by in no particular order, lighting, electrical, countertops and cabinetry, gas supply whether LP or natural, working area and the sheltered area. The area over the grill as well as the surrounding areas adjacent to the grill and outdoor dining areas should be carefully considered for adequate placement of lighting. Choose countertops that will resist the harsh outdoor elements. Avoid placing cabinets and countertops where they will be exposed to the sun. Allow adequate counter working space and locate a sink in an area that it will be easily accessed in the food preparation area. GFI breakers should be installed in the homes electrical panel for outdoor kitchen receptacles and outlets. Install a ventilation hood and help to discourage flying insects by installing ceiling fans. If you wish to use a flat screen TV, place it in a shaded and dry area. Mount the TV in a fashion that will allow easy mounting and dismounting so it may be stored indoors when not in use. You may also consider an outdoor fireplace or another source of heating for the cooler months.